Bentley Substation CONNECT Edition Setup Guide - ProjectWise Managed Configuration

Step 6: Test/Validate (Troubleshoot)

To test or validate your Integration, in the ProjectWise Explorer, locate the delivered file Ecad.dgn in the "Default Project" directory.

Set the file to be associated to the Bentley Substation application. This can be achieved by selecting the Ecad.dgn file in ProjectWise Explorer, then selecting the Modify option from the right-click menu. In the Modify document dialog, select Substation from the drop down list under "Application:". Select OK to complete the association.

Double click on the Ecad.dgn file to open it. If it is properly configured, you should see the Manage WorkSpace Export Progress dialog, indicating the initial workspace download.
Note: To make further use of Sample Project Data, you will need to run Tools > Scan References and Linksets… from the ProjectWise Explorer Client to reconnect and resolve all the project references and linksets. Please consult the ProjectWise help documentation for more information.
Note: Errors in the first three tasks usually are the result of an error in the application definition or association. Please validate the application definition in the ProjectWise Administrator
Note: Opening a managed project or application the first time will require ProjectWise to download the workspace and datasets locally, which can take 10 minutes or more the first time, depending on your connection speed and size of your workspace and dataset. Please be patient, subsequent loads will have much faster load times. In many cases, you will experience performance better than that of loading the same design file from a typical LAN server or shared network drive.

From within the Bentley Substation application, you can verify you are successfully using a ProjectWise Manage WorkSpace by selecting Configuration > About Configuration from the File menu. You should be presented with a ProjectWise Manage WorkSpace Dialog, similar to what is displayed below.